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The Real Truth About Getting Rich in 2024

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SOG 2024 from davidjonphotography9713

What People Say About Contrarian Thinking

Grateful for these Builders

This group has changed the way I view everything in my life.I believe I am capable of more than I ever thought possible.People in this community have taught me skills, principles, and processes that have fast-tracked my career and entrepreneurial journey I can move forward to achieve great things, due to the clarity and support I have received in this community of warriors, builders, winners, and friends.

Date of experience :May 13, 2024

Grateful for these Builders

I’ve paid A LOT of money over the years for courses and masterminds, this is the best choice I’ve made. Codie and her crew of facilitators are as legit as they come. They DO what they teach.They’re always bringing industry experts to teach us on specific topics. There is a massive amount of support and they’re constantly asking us what we need to know to succeed.This isn’t for tire kickers. Codie has attracted people like herself into the most humble, hard-working group for a mastermind I’ve ever been around. There’s a reason you don’t see her posing beside a lambo in her marketing.I had my first business under contract within four months of joining and closed two months later. The support goes on well after acquisition for those of us who are owners. We’re buying businesses, not jobs.

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Date of experience :May 09, 2024

Incredible community

Incredible community of humble, helpful, impressive humans. The CT team is constantly pushing to improve their offerings to the community. Highly recommend

Date of experience :May 08, 2024

I love this program/community

I love this program/community! The highest value for me has been the connection of like minded individuals all in different stages of the business buying experience. Time is money so reinventing in the wheel is silly when others have already figured out what work and what doesn’t. Contrarian Community members are always willing to help. I love how inclusive they regardless of where I am in the journey.

Date of experience :September 01, 2023

Great support

The group has a ton of knowledge as a collective. Several questions that we couldn't find already covered in the channel received at least a direction to look if no one knew the answer outright. We've been able to connect with a couple members that have been accountability partners, or given experiential advise in a particular industry. We haven't bought a business yet (it's been 6 months) but it's looking hopeful. Just put in the reps!

Date of experience :February 26, 2024

Bought a business from this

Honestly I hate communities and courses. BUT - I wanted to buy a business so did this, and I bought a business way faster than I ever would have thought possible. I do wish they had more events because the group is incredibly impressive, I learn everytime I surround myself with them. So 4-5 for more events but I did buy a biz so that's worth alot.

Date of experience :January 08, 2024

I was laid off from my corporate job…

I was laid off from my corporate job and despised the idea of jumping into another one. Contrarian Thinking showed me that I could choose a different path -- that of a business owner. I had zero experience in this area and frankly I just thought it was for rich people, but the course and community is amazing. Contrarian Thinking taught me everything I needed to know about buying a business and now i'm the proud owner of a highly profitable tutoring company! Thanks Codie and team!

Date of experience : March 01, 2023

Immediate access to experts

I bought their full community program. I have been it for over 6 months now. My favorite part is getting responses from other people in the community who have already bought 1 or more businesses. It's been super helpful in making sure I'm doing proper due diligence and getting the best deal. They also have these weekly calls on Mondays where you get to learn specific topics on business buying. Definitely worth the money if you plan to buy a business soon.

Date of experience : September 07, 2023

Best online M&A community!

The Contrarian Community, created by Codie Sanchez, is not your average community, it's a game-changer! The mix of accountability, high-level training, and the diverse expertise of both members and facilitators creates this incredible dynamic hub for growth, learning and collaboration. It's not just a community; it's THE go-to if you're looking to kickstart your journey as a business owner and want to speed up your success!

Date of experience :Jan 3, 2024

It’s exceptional to have such a…

It’s exceptional to have such a supportive, knowledgeable community to help guide and consult you through a new business acquisition. I’m so impressed with the level of experts they have coaching member. These are seasoned professionals who each have their expertise and are highly involved with the students. Even though it’s a large group, you get very readily get 1:1 coaching on anything related to acquiring and managing a business. I’ve so impressed so far! And I never write reviews!!

Date of experience : March 23, 2024

Get The Acquisition Information You Need Right Here!

I have had my eyes opened with a real education working within this community for the past 14 months. Everything has been laid out for me - from starting a search to talking with brokers in detail about businesses for sale, dealing intelligently with lenders & engaging the right professionals to be part of my acquisition team. I can't believe how confident I now feel in my quest to buy a solid, profitable business! Thank you everyone at Contrarian Thinking - this is beyond genius!

Date of experience : March 01, 2024

Exceeds expectations so far!

I have a BBA and MBA, but the Contrarian Course and community has helped me put structure and focus on finding and acquiring small businesses. I'm in the beginning phase of my search but I can't say enough great things about the community. Tons of business professionals ready and willing to help at a moment's notice. The weekly live call collection has been foundational to my journey!

Date of experience : March 16, 2024

Great community, So Supportive, and Tons of Resources

I'm so amazed at how interactive everyone in the community is! Everyone is so eager to help and offer solutions. And there's a huge archive of resources. I'm still new and having fun going through the process. I'm excited to buy my first business and contribute to the community as well.

Date of experience : February 12, 2024

Truly incredible

Truly incredible. No better word to describe the Contrarian Community other than "Accelerator" on how to buy a business.There is something here for every stage of your journey. Whether you just heard about acquisition entrepreneurship yesterday, or have a few under your belt you'll find material, advice, and/or people who can help you learn and take you one step further.Being a W2 employee, this group has enabled me to unlearn 1000 things while pouring a concentrated amount of actionable items on how to buy a biz and mitigate a million risks along the way.

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Date of experience : March 06, 2024

A community of like-minded folks for acquisitions

The course is very thorough and goes over every aspect of buying a business, ie. your target(deal), mindset, valuation, letter of intent, NDA, financing, and what to expect before AND after you acquire that business. The community and weekly/daily conversations is what you stay for.

Date of experience : March 04, 2024

Best place ever to learn about business

Every day when I get on to CT, I'm blown away by how helpful and motivating all the members are in the group just trying to help each other out. People respond fast, expertise is everywhere you look and everyone just wants to see the other one succeed.

Date of experience : February 26, 2024


The amount that I have learned in such short period of time is unmatched! You cannot put a price on the knowledge gained from being part of this community, the relationships you build nor the genuine supportive you receive from the facilitators. Unlike other mastermind groups, those who are leading us leave their egos at the door, are humble and actually want to see us succeed!

Date of experience : June 05, 2023

Small Biz Ownership Master Class

The collaborative environment in this community is above and beyond anything I have been a part of previously and since. This is what the MBA program used to benefit for networking along with a business minded support group at the same time.Every single time I attend a local event, we are genuine to each others pursuits in a time where everyone else is trying to undercut ideas.If you want to expand your mindset into the small business ownership journey, this is by far the best return on investment.Run don’t walk to this opportunity to learn.

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Date of experience : February 26, 2024

Well Worth it, Great Community!

I am currently reaching out to and reviewing small businesses that I'm considering for an acquisition. This is something I did not think I would be doing this quick into my membership just 3 months ago. I found Codie's content on YouTube shorts and I was impressed and excited to learn more. After attending a free 5 hour webinar I signed up. The community is worth the cost, this is a group of some highly successful individuals that are very generous with their time and readily share their experience and advise. It's a great community that encourages when needed and pushes members to succeed and move forward. I have learned a lot in the past couple months and continue to learn and grow! Thanks Codie and the team!!!

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Date of experience : December 18, 2023

If Business Ownership is Calling You

If you have the calling to be a business owner but you’re not sure how to actually do it this is the place to be. The investment is worth it and I do recommend if you can swing it to attend the live annual event. The course(s) are really good at giving you a solid foundation of knowledge. The community is very responsive to questions and shares a ton of examples (real deals they’re working on) that provides its own education. I happen to live in an area where we have 5-6 people local and we meet. I joined in the summer of 2023 and made my first offer in Oct 2023 which I ultimately decided not to move forward with during due diligence. I made an offer for another business in January 2024 and I’m about 3 weeks from closing as I write this. I believe I was able to structure the financing of the deal solely from the information I obtained from being part of this community.

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Date of experience : March 03, 2024

Definitely recommend!

It’s an incredibly supportive community full of insights and encouragement. The diversity within the group, from seasoned owners to new entrepreneurs, enriches the experience, making every session valuable. The connections and networking are a bonus on top of the tangible business growth. If you’re looking to expand your mindset and are looking to acquire a business, this community is a solid choice.

Date of experience : March 01, 2024

Come for the course. Stay for the community!

I've been following Codie Sanchez for probably 2 years on Instagram. My current business is Mountain Laurel Handrails but I wanted to build a more diversified mini empire that my 4 kids could grow into.Something that would enable us as a family to bring together diverse interests while also making the money needed to survive and thrive in this world.I decided to go for it and joined the mastermind. Honestly, it's like buying my way into a room full of like minded people some of whom are very successful in acquiring and scaling businesses.The course is very helpful and way more educational and beneficiary than any class I took in college. It took a while for me to get a feel for the community but now it's a place where I can go to talk about things that very few people in my personal life can connect with or offer any insight about. Reading other people's experiences has helped to shape what I'm looking for and been educational from a different perspective.Come for the course.Stay for the community!

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Date of experience : February 28, 2024

An Amazing Community!

Prior to joining this community, I never thought about buying a small business. I've always been on the real estate investing track - which has its own unique challenges. So the idea of being able to buy a business was planted in my head through Codie's excellent content, I knew I had to deep dive into everything. The Contrarian Community has been fantastic...the support and feedback from facilitators and other members have been extremely helpful in my own business buying journey. Having content and resources is one half of the equation but a community with members helping each other to succeed is more valuable than you can imagine. There's no formal education on small business acquisition so this community has been nothing short of amazing!

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Date of experience : February 29, 2024

2 Acquisitions & Counting

I joined the Mastermind, applied the learnings, and have acquired two businesses so far. There's a tremendous amount of knowledge available and plenty of smart people willing to discuss deals and help others in their acquisition journey.

Date of experience : April 03, 2023

Great community to be in!

Great community to be in, everyone is supportive and shares knowledge when it comes to business acquisition. You will even get the members of the community to help you analize and do the diligence before making the purchase. Highly recommend!!!

Date of experience : February 12, 2024

Bringing A Lot of Wisdom to One Specific Goal

I joined Contrarian Thinking while I was out of the U.S.A. in June, 2023. I was in the middle of taking in my version of experiences and building up more tools to use in my future business world. The Contrarian Community has given me thoughtful real-world tools to collect and value and share all I already know, and add that to all I am quickly learning from them, and put all that energy into finding a business that makes sense to me. I agree with everyone who says it’s a way to do solo independent accomplishments with other like-minded collaborators!

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Date of experience : February 16, 2024

Perfect for serious business buyers!

Perfect for serious business buyers! This community has a good mix of mentors, members who have already purchased businesses and are looking to buy more, and complete beginners who are serious about learning and buying a business. The course is like a mini-MBA on SMB acquisition, and the deal reviews provide valuable insight into deals you otherwise wouldn't be able to analyze. Additionally, the Slack is filled with searchable advice and deal analysis models/calculators that other members created. If you're serious about buying a business and ready to take action, this community is the right place for you.

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Date of experience : February 26, 2024

Best in Class Community

I have been part of various masterminds or business groups, and this is probably the best one I have experienced. The depth of knowledge, experience is tremendous, and the team are always looking to improve the program or excel at customer experience. I have been part of the Community for 3 years and would highly recommend it to others.

Date of experience : February 27, 2024

Always improving the community!

The community support has been really important for helping me and the members with our business buying journeys. To have others to ask important questions about due diligence, deal structuring, deal sourcing and everything else that goes a long with buying a business is reassuring. You get real answers from facilitators and other members who have already experienced buying a business. They are always working to improve aspects of the community like just recently implemented cohorts for new members to get up to speed more quickly. They added more facilitators and office hour calls so that members can have more direct access to members with much more experience. Could definitely use some more resources on reading and making sense of the financials but I know they are working on a new course for that. They are always asking for feedback so you know they want what's best for the community!

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Date of experience : February 28, 2024

Codie helped changed my life

Watched Codie for a long time and love her style. I think what attracted me to her most is her ability to simplify concepts that others make seem very complex and convoluted. I’ve gone through her program and I really believe it’s been a huge contributing factor that changed my life. I’m on a path to doing acquisitions full time and her wisdom and genuine desire to help her community win is invaluable. Can’t sing her praises enough! Love Codie and love Contrarian Thinking and all the facilitators in the group! I want to be Codie when I grow up lol ;)

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Date of experience : January 25, 2024

Never a dull day at Contrarian Thinking!

I used to live my life thinking that entrepreneurship was never going to be an option for me... the responsibility, the finer details, the contracts, it all felt overwhelming. That's because I always thought if I did it, I would be doing it alone. THEN I found the Contrarian Community, and realized I didn't have to do it alone. It's a safe space to talk to people that are exactly where I'm at, and surrounding myself with people that have already done it...a game changer for those days where it feels impossible. Loneliness? Gone. Questions? Answered. Anxieties? Still there, but calmed.

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Date of experience : January 24, 2024

Single most impactful decision toward building a portfolio!

The amount of knowledge I've personally gained in such a short period of time and the degree with which the community shares their wisdom and experiences is beyond compare. If you have any desire to be supported and successful working ON your business vs IN your business....this is the #1 way to go.

Date of experience : January 22, 2024

The Contrarian community has been worth…

The Contrarian community has been worth every penny. I plan to be a part of this organization for many years to come. In a world of scammy courses, this isn't one of them.

Date of experience : February 26, 2024

Super valuable, if you are willing to pay the price

By price, I don't mean the actual cost. This is a wonderful community and there's a lot of resources to make things happen.However, I want to prepare anyone thinking about joining. It's not an easy path. It takes patience, hard work and a little luck. If you ever want to have a good shot at buying a business, this is the place to be! If you think a business will drop into your lap, this will be disappointing.I'm coming up on 10 months in the community and have purchased my first company. It has been a tough road despite reaching that milestone early. I do not regret it one bit and value everything the community gives me access to!

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Date of experience : January 22, 2024

The American Dream.

Contrarian Thinking is an incredible community of humans set on sustaining America's most important economic drivers the ownership of small business. With an ever changing marketplace Contrarians are focused on continuing to keep the torches burning as they look at opportunities for themselves as owners of the American Dream, owning your own business, all the while creating new jobs for future generations and to help better the communities in which they live. We work unselfishly to help each other in pursuit of a better world for everyone.

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Date of experience : February 26, 2024

Bought a business!

The course gave me the info and confidence on the process to search, negotiate, and acquire a business. The weekly calls and discussions helped answer questions along the way. Purchased my first business 5 months afterwards. Incredibly thankful to Codie and this community!

Date of experience : February 20, 2023

A Five-Star Journey with Contrarian Community

The Contrarian Community is a game-changer for anyone looking to delve into the world of business acquisitions. With a plethora of resources, expert guidance, and an incredibly supportive network, it empowers members to confidently buy, scale, and sell businesses. A must-join for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to accelerate their success in the business world.

Date of experience : February 23, 2024

The premier community for serious SMB buyers

The Contrarian community is incredible. The course that comes along with it is no frills, no fluff, just the strategy and tactics that allowed me to go from "I don't even know if I should buy a business" to researching local SMBs, contacting owners, sending LOIs, and am on my way to making my first 7-figure acquisition with plenty of expert support and guidance.Codie has a no-BS approach and has been through multiple iterations of investing and owning her own businesses. Her mentality and philosophy on small business are not only applicable in today's markets, they put you a step ahead of the game.I almost didn't join and was going to buy a biz on my own, but after doing my research, I decided this was the community that was getting the most results, and it looks like I'm on my way to the "owners circle", too. I'm glad I joined.

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Date of experience : January 03, 2024

Their Ladder, Your Climb

Sure, every aspect of learning and support is covered, but if you want to thrive in a community that will lift you as you climb, hold you accountable to your abilities, and genuinely want to see you succeed, this is it.

Date of experience : January 23, 2024

Amazing community and resources for SMB acquisition

This is a great community with access to a lot of very knowledgeable people at varying points of their business ownership journey. You'll be able to learn from others with more experience and relate to those that may be in a similar place as you. It will require you to do work and take action but all the resources are there for you to do so and the support of such a great community is invaluable. The educational materials also accelerated my learning curve drastically, that in combination with the additional teachings and advice from others in the community has given me confidence when evaluating deals, talking with business owners, and knowing when to dig deeper or when to walk away.

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Date of experience : January 25, 2024

Buying a biz

The contrarian community is an incredible place if you are serious about buying a business!

Date of experience : June 01, 2023

An MBA in small business acquisition…

An MBA in small business acquisition with an exceptional community and network.

Date of experience : February 28, 2024